KOROMIKO NZ native plant remedy

KOROMIKO NZ native plant remedy

Kiwikitz™Koromiko rongoa is a bitter tonic

Traditional NZ Native Plant Remedies include Koromiko.  Maori and early settlers used Koromiko for either as an infusion, chewing the herb, mixed with other NZ native plants, applied externally and by using the plant in vapour baths.  Suzanne Aubert and early chemists used Koromiko widely and valued its many applications especially for bowel health and inducing labour

In the literature 'New Zealand Medicinal Plants by Brooker, Cambie & Cooper (1981) a comprehensive, authoritive textbook with over 400 references, states 'during the second world war the leaves were found effective for dysentry by the New Zealand troops in North Africa'. 

  • Bitter action for digestive health which promotes bile flow
  • Astringent action (absorbs water) so may be helpful for watery stools 
    Pregnant or lactating woman should avoid all herbal preparations  unless prescribed by a health professional Kiwikitz products are designed to support and not a replacement for prescribed medication. Supplements, herbals & rongoa should be avoided by pregnant and breastfeeding mums unless recommended by your health professional. Take supplements & herbals at a different time from medication. Take as directed and if symptoms persist see your health professional.

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  • Product Code: Koromiko Rongoa NZ Native remedy
  • Reward Points: 40
  • Availability: In Stock
  • NZ$ 55.00
  • Ex Tax: NZ$ 47.83
  • Price in reward points: 200