NudeLube natural lubricating serum
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A new 3-in-one concept - providing a soothing natural serum to lubricate and soothe; traditional herbal extracts including Wild Yam to support female hormone balance; anti-viral herb for skin eruptions....a little goes a long way. Alternatively Nude Lube can be used as a luxurious, antioxidant, rejuvenating serum for the face or can be dabbed on skin eruptions. A quality natural lubricant made by kiwis especially for kiwis. Contains Chaste tree, Wild Yam ,Motherwort, Black Cohosh, Harakeke,Essential oils of Geranium and Lemon Balm, Guar Gum , Colloidal silver and Vegetable Glycerine
Premium high quality
- Traditional hormone balancing support herbals
- Anti-viral topical action
- Aromatherapy oil useful in reducing itchiness
- Comfortable sex
- Natural health lubricating action
- Silky serum feels good
- A little goes a long way
- Soothing