KUMARAHOU NZ plant tonic

KUMARAHOU NZ plant tonic

Kumarahou - The gentle, tiraditonal NZ native plant remedy

Kiwikitz Kumarahou herbal remedy action is alterative  This means a  blood purifier that helps detox your body and supports elimination of waste product to improve overall health & well being.  This happens via the lungs, liver, kidneys, skin, lymphatic and the urinary system which is why kumarahou is so valued as a herbal remedy.   

When fresh or dried Kumarahou is unavailable, Kiwikitz Kumarahou drops can be used instead.  Being concentrated, the dosage is greatly reduced and can be taken in drop form instead.

Kumarahou was used by Maori and early settlers and is a particularly helpful Rongoa for young children and the elderly because it is such a gentle remedy, especially when supporting improved lung health and bronchial system function.  Another recommended use for Kumarahou is to aid better liver function. 

  • Kumarahou contains valuable flavonols - Quercetin & Kampferol (antioxidants) plus ellagic acid.  Ellagic acid is a natural phenol antioxidant found in numerous fruit and vegetables.  Bioflavonoids are found to be health promoting, have a role in preventative health and many proven therapeutic benefits with quercetin's main role being used for seasonal congestion and to help reduce inflammation. Kiwikitz have also added quercetin to the kiwikitz Magnesium capsule to add value to this particular supplement in terms of the antihistamine and anti inflammatory action of quercetin for sneezing & seasonal congestive issues.
  • According to Brookie, Cambie & Cooper,  (1981) "NZ Medicinal Plants" (an authoritive textbook with over 400 references which can be consulted for further study) Kumarahou was valued traditionally as a blood purifier & common remedy for bronchial, lung and kidney complaints.     The leaves were boiled and the liquid taken internally and used for bathing. 

Kiwikitz ™ Kumarahou is made from the leaves and flowers of Kumarahou in the concentrated form of a herbal extract.  Kumarahou is from the buckthorn family.

 Pregnant woman should avoid herbals unless specifically prescribed by a Herbalist, Homeobotanical Therapist or Natural Medicine Practitioner.

Kiwikitz products are designed to support and not a replacement for prescribed medication. Supplements, herbals & rongoa should be avoided by pregnant and breastfeeding mums unless recommended by your health professional. Take supplements & herbals at a different time from medication. Take as directed and if symptoms persist see your health professional.

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  • Product Code: Kumarahou - for Pets and People
  • Reward Points: 40
  • Availability: In Stock
  • NZ$ 55.00
  • Ex Tax: NZ$ 47.83
  • Price in reward points: 200