Harmony Hormone & Menopause Support Cream
Kiwikitz™ Harmony Hormone Menopause support - Change-of-Life Cream
Kiwikitz has been producing 'Harmony' - the popular & original New Zealand-made, all natural Menopause Change-of-Life Support Cream since 1993.
Contains- Chaste Tree, Wild Yam, Motherwort and Black Cohosh
What to expect? Some people experience little change for one or two months, then symptoms may begin reducing. Other people may experience a significant difference within 30 days, especially in terms of support for pre menopausal stress and anxiety, with hot flushes becoming less frequent over time.
Kiwikitz Magnesium, Calcium, Manganese & Quercetin capsules are recommended in conjunction with this cream if experiencing cramping or problems relaxing and experiencing sleep distrubrance
*Not to be taken by pregnant or lactating women
Kiwikitz products are designed to support and not a replacement for prescribed medication. Supplements, herbals & rongoa should be avoided by pregnant and breastfeeding mums unless recommended by your health professional. Take supplements & herbals at a different time from medication. Take as directed and if symptoms persist see your health professional.